About Me

Hello! My name is Hannah Belan and I'm a Fine Arts Graduate Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). I adjunct instruct WPI's Digital Painting course during the summer. I received my undergraduate degree in Interactive Media and Game Development at WPI in 2022. With a concentration in the visual arts aspect of game design, I find myself thoroughly interested in producing high-quality 3D models and 2D character art. Since commencement, I have worked as an art instructor, worked for commissions, and have been a teaching assistant in college-level game development courses.Recently I worked with several talented graduate game development students to create a playable interactive experience similar to an escape room. Over the last two terms we worked on polishing the experience and recently showed it at the 2024 Foundation of Digital Games conference.
Check Out Our First Draft
Another Article
During my undergraduate years I was part of the creative team working on Rigs Of Color, an artistic endeavor to produce 3D rigs of ethnically and culturally diverse characters to be released for animation students to use for free.
As Seen In This Article
In my free time, I enjoy working with individuals as well as businesses to create custom branding, logos, emotes, stickers, and other digital artworks. I also enjoy getting down and dirty with my oil paints and watercolors.I am hoping to further develop my skills as an artist and professor so that I can become an imperative member of any faculty I am part of. With my ability to quickly learn and improve myself, I believe I would make a wonderful addition to any studio or classroom I work with.

Digital Painting

Character Design

Character Portraits

Digital Emotes and Panels



3D Character Modeling

A Closer Look At Amma

3D Environmental Modeling

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